Confindustria awards the BAQ 2019 quality mark to LATI Industria Termoplastici.
Confindustria the Italian manufacturers’ association, values the commitment of companies who train new generations through the BAQ quality mark which recognizes enterprises for their efforts to create high quality school-work projects that foster collaboration with technical colleges (ITIS) and commercial schools (ITE), broadening the scope of studies and adding the acquisition of specific skills for the workplace.
The BAQ quality mark (in Italian, Bollino per l’Alternanza di Qualità) was created with the aim of:
In addition to providing opportunities for the enterprises, partnerships with schools are also a great responsibility.
In 2019 LATI S.p.A. hosted students at the company’s premises who learnt about production processes, safety, technical and chemical notions, and administration, with the aim of preparing young people for their future.
We would like to thank the students who have demonstrated a serious approach and interest every time they have come to work at our company.